Public health care professional job descriptions
organize and coordinate public health professionals working in Mazeikiai District educational institutions;organizes and controls educational institutions of public health professionals in-service training;
combines educational institutions of public health professionals monthly, annual business plans;
coordinated by public health professionals activity reporting;
organizes meetings with educational institutions of public health professionals of health care of business school education issues;
inform the Office of the Director orders educational institutions of public health professionals in relation to the educational institutions of public health professionals in the organization of work, and monitor their implementation;
provide methodological advice to educational institutions of public health professionals in health care matters;
under the jurisdiction investigates complaints, reports, requests for public educational institutions of healthcare professionals and ethical rules;
identify problematic educational institutions of public health-care professional aspects of the work;
submit proposals to the Director of the Office for the students organization of health care systems;
organize and implement other child and youth health measures;
provide health education activities methodological advice to heads;
initiates health projects (programs) the preparation and participation in the development;
prepares information and guidelines for children and youth health issues and promotes community health knowledge;
organize measures related to disease and injury prevention;
implemented in communicable and noncommunicable disease prevention measures;
organized by the Lithuanian health programs, public health programs and Mazeikiai District Municipality Council approved the implementation of programs in the community;
cooperate with child and youth health issues with the social partners;
submit proposals to the Bureau, politicians, health professionals, community, non-governmental organizations and other institutions for children and youth health;
cooperate with other public health professionals, representatives of other institutions, communities, and various organizations and donors;
health activities methodological advice and methodological and information materials on child health and well-accumulation issues;
information on health preservation and reinforcement of the provision and dissemination of this educational institution to the community;
educational institutions for health projects (programs) Initiation of preparation and participation in their implementation;
help for children in developing healthy lifestyles and personal care skills;
participation in the organization of child malnutrition care, promoting healthy diets and healthy eating skills development;
educational institutions compliance with environmental public health law requirements, in defining the priorities for improving environmental conditions and issues;
offers educational institutions the head on the necessary measures to ensure the injury and accident prevention training establishment, the provision;
educational process organization of public health care compliance with legislative requirements assessment;
help Physical Education recruitment of teachers of physical education groups, information on students’ opportunities to participate in sports competitions provision of physical education teachers;
information on the annual child health screening accumulation of information and summary of at least 1 time a presentation of the educational institution to the community and other institutions;health care professionals guidance on children’s health presentation homeroom teacher (teachers) and their implementation supervision of the educational institution;
noncommunicable disease risk factors (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.) Determination of incidence;
participation in preventive education institutions in working groups dealing with children’s psychological adaptation and social problems;
assistance in organizing children’s immuno-prophylaxis;
information center in the area of public health provision, contagious disease or poisoning educational institution;
public health professionals in the center of the county communicable disease surveillance measures in the implementation of the educational institution;
first aid provision and coordination.
Mazeikiai educational institutions
- Gabijos gimnazija
- Jievaro pagrindinė mokykla
- K. Jagmino pradinė mokykla
- Kalnėnų pagrindinė mokykla
- „Kregždutė“ mokykla – darželis
- M. Račkausko gimnazija
- Politechnikos mokykla
- Sodų vidurinė mokykla
- „Ventos“ progimnazija
- „Vyturio“ pradinė mokykla
- „Žiburėlio“ pradinė mokykla
Mazeikiu district education office
- Auksūdžio mokykla-daugiafunkcinis centras
- Balėnų pagrindinė mokykla
- Krakių pagrindinė mokykla
- Laižuvos A. Vienažindžio pagrindinė mokykla
- Pikelių pagrindinė mokykla
- Renavo pagrindinė mokykla
- Ruzgų pagrindinė mokykla
- Sedos Vytauto Mačernio gimnazija
- Tirkšlių Juozo Vitkaus-Kazimieraičio pagrindinė mokykla
- Ukrinų pagrindinė mokykla
- Užlieknės pagrindinė mokykla
- Viekšnių gimnazija
- Žemalės pagrindinė mokykla
- Židikų Marijos Pečkauskaitės vidurinė mokykla